The challenge is to walk Wainwright's, 190 mile Coast to Coast path from St. Bees in the West to Robin Hood's Bay in the East or vice versa and be totally self-contained and unsupported with no re-supply. Wild camping, obtaining water from natural sources and carrying all food and equipment for the proposed 12 day trip. In this manner the walk becomes free or "unplugged" and is part of my larger Four Nation's coast to coast endeavour, of which details can be found at

At 5.25pm on the 27th of June 2009, I dipped my toe and tossed my pebble, after taking 12 days 9 hours to complete the walk. Swollen blistered feet hobbled me agedly into sunny St. Bees to see all my goals achieved and finish what was for me a punishing physical, mental and surprisingly spiritual adventure.
Challenging to the end, after losing my map around Grasmere and a power shortage, hence no blog for the last two days, it can safely be said, i am not the same person who left the East coast over 12 days ago, hopefully a better one but certainly more self-enlightened, a couple of kilo's self-enlightened for a start!

More when i get back but for now, some missed indulgencies to catch up on!